Floor Spot Request

Time is always made available at the beginning of the night for guest performers to sing a song or two, or perform a poem, tell a story, etc. If you’ve been practising something and want to try it out in front of an appreciative and respectful audience please apply on the form below.

Floor spot performers are expected to pay the entry fee and no payment is made for their performance. Note that a floor spot cannot be guaranteed on any particular night. Please also book a seat as the bookings go directly to Bob. Floor spots are generally limited to approximately ten minutes.

We will make contact before the night, but also make yourself known to one of the team when you arrive to confirm availability and so you can be introduced by the manager.

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Some months are over booked for floor spots. We can either reduce your time to one or two songs or poems, or consider an upcoming month.
Note, generally, up to 30 minutes in total is available for floor spots. If a lot of submissions are received, your time will be restricted.
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